Congratulations! It's A Girl

(A Foxi Fanfic for To The Beautiful You)
(credit to all online providers of the beautiful pictures & gifs)

He knows she is a girl.

I suspected this from the time I saw him looked at her with concerned eyes when he ushered her into the medical tent at the offsite athletics training last week. 

But now, I am certain that he does know she is girl.

I smile at the sight of him secretly taking photos of her playing basketball.

But when she saw him and automatically waved to him, he quickly turned his smart phone away in the pretext of taking his own profile picture.

So cute, this two.

I have known Tae Joon personally from the first day he entered Genie High and by sheer reputation before that.

If Soel Ha Na is the National Fairy of the South Korean junior sports world, then Kang Tae Joon is the King, by passing even the Crown Prince position. 

Yet apart from the brilliant smile he awards himself and his adoring fans upon every satisfying jump, one rarely ever see him smile on other occasions.

With an aggressive agent and domineering father constantly pushing him forward, he mainly kept to himself with his mother as his only solace.

Hence, after the death of his mother that followed by the infamous injury, the smile completely stopped.

Until Goo Jae Hee, that is.

All right, I admit, I was miffed at the beginning.

The gall of this slip of a girl to masquerade as a boy in this prestigious male dominated sports school, was completely flabbergasting.

Apart from us tolerating Soel Ha Na's constant and regal sweep in and out of the school grounds, and we mainly put up with it because of Tae Joon I must say, no girl would have survived such sass.

Yet, Jae Hee blatantly defied the odds to fit in, and was, unthinkably, whole heartedly accepted by the boys - I find the situation too far fetched that I myself was sucked into the momentum.

But along the way, I got to know Jae Hee and her reasons of being here. 

When at first I thought that her transfer was motivated by the now common fan girl obsession of their favourite idol, I now know that her reasons were more noble than that. 

Jae Hee wanted to give back to Tae Joon what he unknowingly gave her - a reason to live.

Once a victim of school bullying, Jae Hee found inspiration in Tae Joon, lifting herself from depression.

And in her eyes, it is now pay back time. 

But instead of blending quietly in or sticking out like a sore thumb, Jae Hee fit in like one of the boys and time and again became the saviour of Dorm 3.

While I believe that Tae Joon is now slowly yet surely falling for the pretty tom boy, I doubt he really knows her actual reason being here.

And when he finally realized Jae Hee's true reason for being by his side, I doubt he would ever want her to leave.

Or then again, maybe he does know.

Hence why he is keeping his knowledge a secret, even from Jae Hee herself.

Yes, that must be it.

He knows her reason, and fell head, line and sinker for her.

And for the girl in question - it will only be a matter of time before her innocent devotion will blow into a full fledge love.

And, in a way I dread the day when this two finally acknowledge their love for each other. Intervention will have to take place then.

But for now, I do believe their innocence will prevail and protect them from one another.

The friendly game finished with Tae Joon waiting patiently by the side of the court. 

I observe with silent amusement as his object of affections ran enthusiastically to her idol.

At times like this, Jae Hee completely threw caution into the wind, not really caring that she was acting like a besotted fan girl for all the world to see. 

Sigh... and it did not help that the former high jump star reciprocate likewise, albeit shyly and with more caution.

He handed her his towel, knowing that she did not bother to bring her own and un hesitantly shared his water bottle, when in the past, the Prince of Allusiveness would not even be seen in a crowd such as this.

Yes, this little slip of a girl is in a way very good for her prince.

And with her strength and encouragement, it will be any time soon when this former star athlete will shine once again and share his brilliant smile with the world.  

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